Master of History
With internationally renowned teaching staff, and surrounded by national cultural institutions, ANU is a historian’s dream.
Studying history at ANU you can draw upon our prize-winning teaching and research in Australian, North American, early modern and modern European, and British history, and the expertise of our leading centres for Indigenous history, environmental history, and biography.
The resources of the National Library of Australia, the National Archives of Australia, the National Museum of Australia, and the National Gallery of Australia are also all at your fingertips.
The Master of History provides the theoretical grounding and practical skills you need for the advanced study of history, plus the opportunity to tailor a program according to your interests. If you’re a secondary school teacher, you are able to focus on areas in the national curriculum for history.
Master of History (Advanced)
A Master of History (Advanced) will advance your career in government, industry, finance, politics, public relations, the services sector, teaching, the arts or in any profession requiring good management of diverse information, analytical and writing skills.